How to have a successful Work-with

In the below video, I discuss how to have successful work-with and tactics you can take to make the sales rep
an advocate for your brand.


Sit down beforehand with the Rep and create a plan:

  1. What accounts will you visit, and what are their goals for each?
  2. How can you help them?
  3. What are your goals for the brand & which accounts does the Rep see it working within?
  4. Before entering each account: ask about the buyer and what appeals to them. What is the backstory of the account? Is there any history there that you should be aware of?
  5. The Rep needs to get their orders in by 5 pm, so plan to end your day at 4 pm.
  6. You don't need to spend the entire day with them. If only a few accounts make sense to go with them, then only go with them to those accounts.

In this video Nathan Reffell the Multicultural Brand Ambassador for Bacardi, and Kyle McHugh, the Director of Brand Advocacy at Samson and Surrey, discuss how they learned the terminology, why it is important, and other best practices they use to have a successful work with.


  • On & Off-Premise Sales Reps use terminology that would not be familiar to anyone that is not from their world. Understanding the language to have clear and concise conversations with your buyers is vital.
  • Below is a link to all the terminology you will need to know. Cut and paste it into your browser -

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